Carmichael Nursery School

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Settling In Procedure

In general, and if necessary to ease the trauma of settling into the nursery for both parent and child, we enrol the children in small groups throughout the year. Parents have to remain in the nursery with their child for the first few days and indeed longer if necessary.

Your child will be allocated a key worker who will assist in this settling in period. This close contact at this initial stage should help develop a sense of security for parent and child as well as a contact link. The staff aim to ensure that your child is shown the play opportunities available, the basic routines of the playroom and to instil the finer qualities and skills of socialising, sharing and giving consideration to other children.

Please note that on your child’s first day, they will only stay for one hour and you will be expected to stay with them without exception.

The daily routine

The daily routine includes a time for free choice, snack time, group activities and an opportunity for singing, music, and outdoor play.

Free Play

Your child has access to every area in the nursery playroom. They can choose to play alone, with a friend or participation in a group situation. Each key worker will plan (Plan, do, review- PDR) with your child usually once a week and you will receive a photocopy of this so you know what your child has been working on in nursery school.

Snack time

This is a time for social interaction for your child with their peers and a member of staff. Milk and water is provided free and your weekly contributions help towards the cost of fruit, vegetables, bread, cereal, cheese, crackers and dips.

Planned Learning Experience

Specific activities are prepared for this time, thus ensuring your child participates in a broad and balanced curriculum. This allows staff to closely monitor and observe your child, and assist them in operating the assessment programme in an efficient and effective manner.

Singing/ Music time

This is a wonderful opportunity for all the children to come together several times a week, to participate in an enjoyable, communal activity.

Tidy-up Time

Your child is encouraged to participate in a group tidy-up time. This involves hanging up aprons, laying lunchtime tables, cleaning paints and easels, and general clearing up and care of equipment.


Assessment is part of the daily routine. It is ongoing and continuous. The assessment procedure highlights any strength your child may have and in addition, any areas that require extra or specialist input can be addressed quickly and effectively.

This can allow for early intervention from specialist services such as Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Psychologist, Physiotherapists or Community Paediatrician. If there is a specific issue we will discuss this with you, and then only with your consent we will refer the matter to the appropriate professional or agency.

There will be two meetings a year to provide you, the parent with formal feedback on your child’s progress, however your key worker is available on a daily basis for a quick chat on a more informal level.